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Pulitzer Center Update June 19, 2020

Pete Brook Curates SF Camerawork Exhibition 'Cell Signals'

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Jose Espinoza prepares his security guard uniform before working the night shift at a parking lot in Stockton. Image by Brandon Tauszik and Pendarvis Harshaw. United States, undated.
Jose Espinoza prepares his security guard uniform before working the night shift at a parking lot in Stockton. Image by Brandon Tauszik and Pendarvis Harshaw. United States, undated.

Throughout Summer 2020, SF Camerawork, a San Francisco-based nonprofit organization supporting cutting-edge photography, will exhibit Cell Signals, an online photo exhibition curated by Pulitzer Center grantee Pete Brook. As described in the exhibit's opening placard, Cell Signals "peers upon the networked image-technologies that shape prisons and the U.S. homeland culture." The exhibit features several photographers including Pulitzer Center grantees Brandon Tauszik and Pendarvis Harshaw and their project "Facing Life".

In the Pulitzer Center supported project "Facing Life", Tauszik and Harshaw use a variety of visual and textual media to depict the lives of eight individuals following their incarceration in California prisons.

On May 19, 2020, Pete Brook led the online event "Curator's Talk With Pete Brooks" in which particpants discussed the works within the exhibit and heard from creators of the selected projects. During the event, Brandon Tauszik discussed the documentary cinemagraphs of "Facing Life", the support "ex-lifers" give to others who leave prisons after 20 to 30 years of incarceration, and potential future programming around the works. 

View the online exhibition Cell Signals, the project "Facing Life", and "Curator's Talk With Pete Brook" on the SF Camerawork website.


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