This unit was created by Keisha Davenport, an ELA teacher at Glenville High School in Cleveland, OH as part of the fall 2020 Pulitzer Center Teacher Fellowship program on Media, Misinformation, and the Pandemic. It is designed for facilitation across approximately three–five class periods.

Essential Questions

What news stories have value?  What news sources are accessible?  What news stories are under-reported, and how do we find them?

Unit Overview:

In this unit, students review a mix of journalism and media exploring the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in order to explore big ideas, essential questions, and their personal connections to the pandemic. In their final projects, students research the impacts of COVID-19 in their own communities and present their findings through a community mapping project. Through research and mapping,  students explore their responses to the pandemic and resources that are available to them in their neighborhoods or community. They also evaluate the gaps in these responses and resources.

Performance Tasks

Students compose community maps that evaluate the impacts of COVID-19 on their communities, document responses to the pandemic, and analyze how easily community members are able to access to resources. Students use a choice board to decide on the structure for their projects.

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