The Pulitzer Center is eager to fund as much in-depth reporting as possible that is as safe as possible for the journalists and touches on a broad range of topics, including possible pathways to peace.

With cities under siege, civilians targeted indiscriminately, and a flood of refugees surging into neighboring countries, the Ukraine and Israel-Hamas wars will likely continue to dominate the news for months to come. But beyond the daily headlines, these are stories that will have far-reaching consequences for liberal democracies around the world. Their impact will be felt for generations and its proper telling will require not only sustained in-depth reporting on the ground, but also close attention over an extended period of time.

Since its earliest days, the Pulitzer Center has supported hundreds of reports on underreported angles of conflicts around the world, from Afghanistan to Yemen, Iraq, Darfur, Ethiopia, Myanmar, and more. 


Pulitzer Center journalists examine the roots of conflict and its connections with many underreported global issues, from mass migration to authoritarianism, gender violence, and the struggle over natural resources. We are eager to fund as much in-depth reporting as possible that is as safe as possible for the journalists and touches on a broad range of topics, including possible pathways to peace.

If you are a journalist or newsroom seeking funding for projects covering conflict and its impact, or need support due to the increased costs that come with reporting safely from conflict zones, please consider submitting a proposal. 

Freelancers, please know that if you will be reporting in a war zone  we will need a firm assignment from outlets agreeing in writing to take full responsibility for your safety and well-being. Please review the ACOS principles. You may include Hostile Environment Training in the budget you submit with your proposal, but please be advised, ultimately we are seeking the appropriate balance of experience, safety training, language skills, and reporting project plans and details. Thank you and stay safe.


  • A description of the proposed project in no more than 250 words; 
  • A preliminary budget estimate, including a basic breakdown of costs; 
  • A compelling distribution plan
  • A letter from your editor stating that the outlet takes full responsibility for your safety and well-being.

This opportunity is open and we are accepting applications. Please review our grant application guidelines and apply today. If you have specific questions about applying please contact [email protected].

We aim to support teams that reflect the communities they report on. We hope this grant can help our partner organizations advance their diversity, equity, and inclusion goals and commitments. We accept grant proposals on a rolling basis. You typically will hear back from us one-two weeks after submitting your application.


To save our grantees and staff time, we thought it would be helpful to outline editorial products and project expenses we don’t fund:

  • Books (we can support a story that might become part of a book, as long as the story is published independently in a media outlet) 
  • Feature-length films (we do support short documentaries with ambitious distribution plans) 
  • Staff salaries 
  • Equipment purchases (equipment rentals are considered on a case-by-case basis) 
  • An outlet’s general expenses (for example rent, utilities, insurance) 
  • Seed money for start-ups
  • Routine breaking news and coverage 
  • Advocacy/marketing campaigns 
  • Data projects aimed solely at academic research. Data should be developed to enhance/support journalism.