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    Comparte información con la Red de Investigaciones de la Selva Tropical del Centro Pulitzer

    Denunciantes y otras personas que posean información de interés público ahora pueden compartir de forma segura y confidencial pistas, documentos y datos con la Red de Investigaciones de la Selva Tropical (RIN, por sus siglas en inglés) del Centro Pulitzer, sus editores y periodistas. Read in English

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    Partager des informations avec le Rainforest Investigations Network du Centre Pulitzer

    Les lanceurs d’alerte et les personnes en possession d’informations sensibles d’intérêt public peuvent maintenant partager de manière sûre et confidentielle des informations, des documents et des données avec le Rainforest Investigations Network (ou RIN) du Centre Pulitzer, mais aussi ses rédacteurs

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    Compartilhe informações com a Rainforest Investigations Network do Pulitzer Center

    Denúncias e outras informações sensíveis de interesse público podem agora ser enviadas de forma segura e confidencial para os editores e jornalistas da Rainforest Investigations Network (RIN) do Centro Pulitzer. Read in English | Leer en español | Lir en français | Dalam bahasa Indonesia | 中文版 A RIN

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    Projetos e Histórias

    JORNALISMO DA FLORESTA TROPICAL DO SUDESTE DA ÁSIA O trabalho do Rainforest Journalism Fund no sudeste da Ásia fornece suporte crítico para reportagens na região, com foco especial na construção de capacidade local de reportagem. Projects & Stories INSCREVA-SE PARA SE CANDIDATARA UMA BOLSA RJF Para

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    Proyek & Artikel

    JURNALISME HUTAN HUTAN DARI ASIA TENGGARA Dana Hibah Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan memberikan dukungan penting pada liputan di wilayah dengan fokus khusus pada membangun kapasitas liputan lokal. PROYEK & ARTIKEL MENDAFTAR MENJADI PENERIMA HIBAH Untuk mengajukan permohonan hibah pelaporan Rainforest

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    Projets et Articles

    Projets et articles de l'Asie du Sud-Est The Rainforest Journalism Fund's work in Southeast Asia provides critical support for reporting in the region with a special focus on building local reporting capacity. Projets et articles POSTULER A UN TEXTE DE SUBVENTION DE RJF Pour postuler à une

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    Proyectos e Historias

    Periodismo ambiental del Sudeste Asiático El Rainforest Journalism Fund ofrece apoyo para el periodismo en la region del Sudeste Asiático, con un enfoque especial en promover la capacidad periodística al nivel local y regional. Proyectos e historias Solicitar una beca de periodismo del Rainforest

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    Projects & Stories

    Rainforest Journalism From Southeast Asia The Rainforest Journalism Fund's work in Southeast Asia provided critical support for reporting in the region with a special focus on building local reporting capacity. The Rainforest Journalism Fund has evolved into the Pulitzer Center Rainforest Reporting

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    Richard Jiang, Finalist, Local Letters for Global Change

    Esta carta se refiere al artículo “El arte para protegerse del virus” por Izabel Santos, un proyecto del Centro Pulitzer Estimado Gobernado Ron DeSantis, El COVID-19 ha cambiado la vida de muchas personas en todo el mundo. En países latinoamericanos, las vidas de personas indígenas han cambiado

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    Arathi Siluveru, Finalist, Local Letters for Global Change

    This letter features reporting from “ Fentanyl Is Making Its Way Into Various Drugs Sold in the U.S. Here’s How It Gets There” by Monica Villamizar, a Pulitzer Center reporting project Dear Congresswoman Sherrill, Heroin can be lethal with thirty milligrams. Fentanyl can kill you with just three. As

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    Público Global Rainforest Journalism Fund

    SOBRE O GLOBAL AUDIENCE RAINFOREST JOURNALISM Bolsas para jornalistas que fazem reportagens para os principais veículos de notícias com audiências globais (fora da Amazônia, região da Bacia do Congo e sudeste da Ásia) sobre questões relacionadas às florestas tropicais em qualquer parte do mundo. As

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    Dana Hibah Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan Audiens Global

    Mengenai Dana Hibah Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan Audiens Global Dana hibah bagi jurnalis yang bekerja di media-media besar dengan audiens global (di luar dari region Amazon, Basin Kongo, dan Asia Tenggara) terkait isu hutan hujan di seluruh dunia. (Aplikasi harus dalam bahasa Inggris). Panduan untuk

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    Audience mondiale Rainforest Journalism Fund

    Rainforest Journalism Fund pour un public mondial Le Pulitzer Center lance un appel à propositions pour l'octroi de subventions aux journalistes qui font des reportages pour les médias de renom sur les forêts tropicales humides dans n'importe quelle partie du monde (les propositions doivent être

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    Rainforest Journalism Fund para Audiencia Global

    Acerca del Rainforest Journalism Fund para audiencias globales El Rainforest Journalism Fund también apoya proyectos y ofrece becas para periodistas que informan para los principales medios de comunicación con audiencias globales (fuera de la Amazonía, la región de la Cuenca del Congo y el Sudeste

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    Global Audience Rainforest Journalism Fund

    The Global Audience Rainforest Journalism Fund has evolved into the Pulitzer Center Rainforest Reporting Grant. Through this change, the Pulitzer Center continues to provide short-term project support to journalists reporting in rainforests, but seeks more ambitious proposals: larger in scale, and

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    Celeste Zwingel, Finalist, Local Letters for Global Change

    This letter features reporting from “The Road to Re-Entry is Often Paved With Trials and Tribulations” by Ashley Mahoney, a Pulitzer Center reporting project Dear Governor DeSantis, Every single day, people around the world are released from prison, having served their time and ready to return to

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    Caroline Lowery, Finalist, Local Letters for Global Change

    This letter features reporting from “How to Make Abortion Great Again” by Anna Sussman, a Pulitzer Center reporting project Dear Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith, Americans’ right to legal, medically-safe abortions is currently under siege despite being recognized as a constitional right since 1973

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    Carolina Leon, Finalist, Local Letters for Global Change

    This letter features reporting from “ Children, the "Passport" of Migrants to Achieve the American Dream” by Perla Trevizo, a Pulitzer Center reporting project Dear Senator Kelly, You’re a child living in a small village in Guatemala. There is not much there, and you know that your parents have been